Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ADQ, Conservatives, NDP Up in Quebec Opinion Polls

From La Presse:


ADQ 34%
PQ 30%
Liberal 24%
Vert 7%
QS 5%

The Federal results from the same poll aren't available online, but here are the numbers:

BQ 31%
Conservative : 27%
Liberal 19%
NDP: 17 %

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another recent poll by Ipsos and the Infonet Group that was referenced on;

Au Qu?bec :
Cons = 28%
Bloc = 24%
Libs = 20%
NDP = 18%
Verts = 10%

Some highlights:

Dans les Laurendites :
Bloc = 32%
Cons = 26%
NPD = 22%
Libs = 12%
Verts = 8%

Dans Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel :
Bloc = 28%
Cons = 28%
NPD = 26%
Libs = 12%
Verts = 6%

Dans Marc-Aur?le-Fortin :
Bloc = 36%
Cons = 24%
NPD = 22%
Libs = 10%
Verts = 8%

Dans Rivi?re-des-Mille-?les :
NPD = 28%
Bloc = 28%
Cons = 22%
Libs = 14%
Verts = 8%

Might be time to update the NDP target list Quebec ridings if these numbers are close to accurate.